This 1982 Australian Comedy was an upbeat musical about Jackie Mullens, a young aspiring singer trying to find success. Her cousin Angus acted as her manager and got her into several precarious situations. All of her family worked at a pub in which they also called their home. Jackie and Angus decide they will do what ever it takes to become a star. She gains the attention of a famous local music show host and producer by walking a tightrope between buildings in a very… lets just call it an attention getting outfit.
Jackie gets invited to be on the TV show and while she was there she catches the eye of the house guitarist and they start a relationship. The plot takes a few turns but in the end Jackie and her boyfriend’s band win a contest and become “Stars”.
            The humor is conveyed in all parts of the movie. There were many quirky side stores including the grandmother being a retired fortuneteller, and Jackie’s mother and Angus’s father have a strange secret romance. All of the characters also wore out of the ordinary costumes. Jackie especially had a very unique style, with lots of colors, weird designs, and even wears a kangaroo suit at one point(fitting for an Australian filmJ). From the music and clothing styles it was easy to tell that this was set in the 80’s and was not very current.
            Whether it was the cultural or time barrier or the film itself, I personally did not find it to be as funny as I was expecting. A lot of the humor passes the point of quirky into a little bizarre.
 One reason for that may be that I do not have a lot to compare this film too. Many of the things I found strange may have been things that were normal for the time and place. I look forward to seeing the other movies from the 1980’s on our list and comparing them. By the end of the film I can say that I admired their passion for their music and was satisfied with the “feel good” ending when they finally succeed.

I am attaching a clip of (what is in my opinion) the funniest part of the movie.  To be honest I have no idea what the words are saying, and it is long song and really strange but hang in there too at least the middle. The sharks are my favorite. Enjoy ~ Sarah

Hello, we are going to be talking about Australian Comedy in film from the 1980's to now.We may not be reviewing these films in chronological order, but I will give you the timeline for what we are planning to see.
1. Starstruck- 1982      Australian bands were getting international success inspiring young people to look for stardom.
2. Crocodile Dundee- 1986  Aboriginal people regained ownership of their land. Dundee character is a friend of the Aborigines.
3. Strictly Ballroom- 1992  The country was in the midst  of a recession and the film industry was in jeopardy movies like (3,5, &6) got international recognition and helped energies  the industry.
4. Hercules Returns-1993  Big cinema multiplexes were popping up all over the old style movie houses were closing because of the recession.
5. Muriel's Wedding-1994
6. Priscilla:Queen of the Desert- 1994
7.The Castle-1997  As the country begins to come out of a recession, this film promotes the working man.
8. The Dish- 2000  2000 Olympics were held in Sydney, this film promotes something else that is great about Australia
9. The Man Who Sued God -2001   Natural disasters in the news
10.The Nugget- 2002   After a recession people need to feel that blue collar workers can prosper.
11. CrackerJack- 2002  A large segment of the population is maturing and dwindling, some traditions need to be preserved , like lawn bowling.
12.Getting Square- 2003 Corruption in the law and organized crime had been in the news.
13.Kenny- 2006  The country was going into another recession.
14. $9.99- 2008  In a recession who wouldn't be looking for the happiness for $9.99?